Hair Extensions|Free Consultation

Bianca Fallon|Beauty.Hair.Makeup|Freelance Makeup Artist I WANT long hair unfortunately it is harder to maintain longer hair then short hair. Depending on the texture of your hair you will need to get your ends trimmed every 12 weeks, & if your hair dresser cuts off more than you requested it is most likely because your hair needs it. Once the ends of the hair shaft split it will eventually snap off creating fly away hair, those are the little fuzzy pieces off hair usually on the top layer of the hair or around the nape of your neck. So what’s a girl…

Day Makeup|Tutorial

Bianca Fallon|Beauty.Hair.Makeup|Freelance Makeup Artist Have you heard this before? ‘You look great with no makeup on!’ Well between us it takes less than ten minutes to get that no makeup look & here I show you a step by step quick easy way to look natural but put together. This application is great for all skin types using an S.P.F. Tinted Moisturiser as your base, simple, easy & fresh looking. Bianca Fallon|Beauty.Hair.Makeup|Freelance Makeup Artist Cellular: 027 276 9545 Office: 09 443 7922 Or  

Purple Eyeshadow & Nude Lips|Tutorial

Bianca Fallon|Beauty.Hair.Makeup|Freelance Makeup Artist Ever wondered how I get my cover girl makeup applied? Join me in a step by step tutorial that you can re-watch over again till you get it right! Bianca wears Talosia Designs Accessories by Kagi, Lisa Tamaiti & NKD Jewellery Bianca Fallon|Beauty.Hair.Makeup|Freelance Makeup Artist Cellular: 027 276 9545 Office: 09 443 7922 Or